Academic Writing

For articles not listed or not available at the links below, see my pages at Google Scholar and

Edited Books

  • Co-editor (with Rebecca Sanchez) and Introduction author (“Underdog Bohemia”) for reprint of Pauline Leader’s And No Birds Sing (Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, October 2016. First published 1931, The Vanguard Press.)

Edited Journal Issues

  • Co-editor  (with Kelly Fritsch, Aimi Hamraie, and David Serlin), Crip Technoscience Special Issue of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5, 1 (April 2019).
  • Co-editor  (with John Tresch) of Grey Room 43: Audio/Visual (Spring 2011).

Edited Journal Sections

Selected Articles

  • Foreword: Dislocations, Head Above Water by Shahd Alshammari (Feminist Press, 2023)
  • (with Neta Alexander) Scores: Carolyn Lazard’s Crip Minimalism, Film Quarterly (Winter 2022)
  • (with Paula Chakravartty) Postcolonial and Decolonial Computing, More Posthuman Glossary (ed. Braidotti, Jones, Klumbyte, Bloomsbury, November 2022)
  • (with Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp) Disability Arts in the Time of Covid-19, Curating Access (ed. Amanda Cachia, Routledge, September 2022)
  • (with Jonathan Sterne) Second Rate, Triple Canopy (October 2020)
  • Lessons in Queer Voice, Amodern 9: Techniques and Technologies (April 2020)
  • (with Jonathan Sterne) Aural Speed Reading: Some Historical Bookmarks, PMLA 135, 2 (March 2020)
  • (with Xiaochang Li) Vocal Features: From Voice Identification to Speech Recognition by Machine, Technology and Culture 60, 2 (April 2019)
  • La co-construcción de la ceguera y la lectura, Los Cuerpos de la Imagen (Mexico City, diecisiete colección #8, 2018)
  • Decibel, Handbuch Sound, ed. Daniel Morat and Hansjakob Ziemer (July 2018)
  • (with Jonathan Sterne) Afterword: Dismediation: Three Proposals, Six Tactics, Disability Media Studies (NYU Press, 2017)
  • Evocative Object: Auditory Inkblot, continent. 5.1 (January 2016)
  • 500-Type Colour Desk Set TelephoneObjects of Knowledge, of Art and of Friendship: A Small Technical Encyclopaedia for Siegfried Zielinski, ed. David Link and Nils Röller (Liepzig: Institut für Buchkunst, 2011), 51-53.

Selected Reviews

  • Bio-X (review of Biomedicalization and Asian Biotech), Women’s Studies Quarterly 40: Viral (Spring/Summer 2012): 259-267.