

NEH Dangers and Opportunities of Technology Conference (NYU CDS x University of Chicago): The Global Cochlear Implant (University of Chicago, October 11-12)


Late Shift x NYU Center for Disability Studies with Jerron Herman: Rest, Guggenheim Museum (November 9)


Foundations and Futures of Feminist Technosciences, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5-year anniversary (April 22)


(with Georgina Kleege) Paramodernities #6, “The Choreography of Rehabilitation: Disability and Race in Balanchine’s Agon,” New York Live Arts (chor. Netta Yerushalmy, March 2019)

(with Georgina Kleege) Paramodernities #6, “The Choreography of Rehabilitation: Disability and Race in Balanchine’s Agon,” Wexner Center for the Arts (chor. Netta Yerushalmy, February 2019)


(with Georgina Kleege) Paramodernities #6, “The Choreography of Rehabilitation: Disability and Race in Balanchine’s Agon,” Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival (chor. Netta Yerushalmy, August 2019)

NEH Summer Seminar Visiting Faculty, The Book: Material Histories and Digital Futures (Salt Lake City, Summer 2018)

Residency (with Netta Yerushalmy): National Center for Choreography, Paramodernities 6: The Choreography of Rehabilitation: Disability and Race in Balanchine’s Agon (University of Akron, July 2018)


co-organizer (with Paula Chakravartty), Decolonial Computing, NYU Department of Media, Culture, and Communication (November 4)

co-organizer (with Viktoria Tkaczyk and Alix Hui), Testing Hearing: Authors’ Workshop, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (October 21-22)


co-organizer (with Viktoria Tkaczyk and Alix Hui), Testing Hearing: Science, Art, Industry, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (December 4-5)


co-organizer (with Matt Rubery), Blindness, Technology, and Multimodal Reading, Wellcome Collection, London (June 27-28)

co-organizer, Sound Signatures Winter and Summer Schools for Sound Studies, Amsterdam (January) and Berlin (August)


co-organized Cripistemologies conference (with Lisa Duggan/NYU CSGS)

co-organized Surface Reading/Machine Reading: New Approaches to Texts and Text Data symposium at NYU


co-organized Arts Inclusion: Disability, Design, Curation, graduate student summer school and artist residency at the UCHRI

organized Data Mining and Visualization for the Humanities symposium at NYU


co-organized Civil Disabilities conference at the University of Pennsylvania