Academic Writing
For articles not listed or not available at the links below, see my pages at Google Scholar and
Edited Books
- Co-editor (with Harris Kornstein, Faye Ginsburg, and Rayna Rapp) How to be Disabled in a Pandemic (NYU Press, forthcoming February 2025).
- Co-editor (with Rebecca Sanchez) Crip Authorship: Disability as Method (NYU Press, 2023).
- Co-editor (with Alexandra Hui and Viktoria Tkaczyk) Testing Hearing: The Making of Modern Aurality (Oxford University Press, 2020).
- Co-editor (with Rebecca Sanchez) and Introduction author (“Underdog Bohemia”) for reprint of Pauline Leader’s And No Birds Sing (Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, October 2016. First published 1931, The Vanguard Press.)
Edited Journal Issues
- Co-editor (with Jaipreet Virdi and Sarah F. Rose) Disability and the History of Science, Osiris 39 (June 2024).
- Co-editor (with Kelly Fritsch, Aimi Hamraie, and David Serlin), Crip Technoscience Special Issue of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 5, 1 (April 2019).
- Co-editor (with John Tresch) of Grey Room 43: Audio/Visual (Spring 2011).
Edited Journal Sections
- (with Paula Chakravartty) Virtual Roundtable on Decolonial Computing, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience (October 2018)
- Roundtable: Citation Networks as Antidiscriminatory Practice, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience (October 2021)
Selected Articles
- (with Dan Bouk) The History of “Impairment”, Osiris 39 (June 2024)
- (with Jaipreet Virdi and Sarah F. Rose) Disability, Epistemology, Sciencing, Osiris 39 (June 2024)
- Foreword: Dislocations, Head Above Water by Shahd Alshammari (Feminist Press, 2023)
- Customizing Reading, After Universal Design (ed. Guffey, June 2023)
- (with Andy Slater) Blind Mode/Blind Listening Techniques, English Studies in Canada 46 (May 2023)
- (with Neta Alexander) Scores: Carolyn Lazard’s Crip Minimalism, Film Quarterly (Winter 2022)
- (with Paula Chakravartty) Postcolonial and Decolonial Computing, More Posthuman Glossary (ed. Braidotti, Jones, Klumbyte, Bloomsbury, November 2022)
- (with Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp) Disability Arts in the Time of Covid-19, Curating Access (ed. Amanda Cachia, Routledge, September 2022)
- (with Jonathan Sterne) Second Rate, Triple Canopy (October 2020)
- Lessons in Queer Voice, Amodern 9: Techniques and Technologies (April 2020)
- (with Jonathan Sterne) Aural Speed Reading: Some Historical Bookmarks, PMLA 135, 2 (March 2020)
- (with Fabian Voigtschild and Jonathan Sterne) Anton Springer and the Time and Pitch Regulator, Sound & Science: Digital Histories (January 2020)
- (with Xiaochang Li) Vocal Features: From Voice Identification to Speech Recognition by Machine, Technology and Culture 60, 2 (April 2019)
- La co-construcción de la ceguera y la lectura, Los Cuerpos de la Imagen (Mexico City, diecisiete colección #8, 2018)
- The Hard Disciplines, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience (October 2018)
- Decibel, Handbuch Sound, ed. Daniel Morat and Hansjakob Ziemer (July 2018)
- (with Tiffany Chan and Jentery Sayers) Optophonic Reading, Prototyping Optophones, Amodern 8: Translation-Machination (March 2018)
- (with Jonathan Sterne) Afterword: Dismediation: Three Proposals, Six Tactics, Disability Media Studies (NYU Press, 2017)
- Mutual Rehabilitation: Norfolk Prison Recordings of Art Books for Blind Readers, Public Servants: Art and the Crisis of the Common Good (MIT Press, 2016)
- Modulation, Experience: Culture, Cognition, and the Common Sense (MIT Press, August 2016)
- Evocative Object: Auditory Inkblot, continent. 5.1 (January 2016)
- Technology, Keywords for Disability Studies (NYU Press, 2015), 176-180.
- Deafness, Keywords in Sound (Duke University Press, 2015), 45-54.
- Listening to Images: Audio Description, the Translation Overlay, and Image Retrieval, The Cine-Files 8, Dossier on Film Sound (Spring 2015)
- Optophones and Musical Print, Sounding Out! (5 January 2015)
- Cochlear Implants after 50 Years: A History and an Interview with Charles Graser, The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Music Studies, Volume I, ed. Jason Stanyek and Sumanth Gopinath (Oxford UP, 2014), 261-297.
- (Ultra-High-Speed) Photographic Engineering, Flow 19 (January 2014)
- The Co-Construction of Blindness and Reading [early history of the Talking Book in the U.S.], Disability Trouble, ed. Ulrike Bergermann (Berlin: b_books, 2013): 195-204.
- Disability Studies Talks Back to Science and Technology Studies, SHOT talk (2013)
- Albert Mudry and Mara Mills, The Early History of the Cochlear Implant: A Retrospective, JAMA Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 139, 5 (May 2013): 446-453.
- What Should We Call Reading? Flow, Volume 17 (December 2012)
- Media and Prosthesis: the Vocoder, the Artificial Larynx, and the History of Signal Processing, qui parle 21,1 (Fall/Winter 2012): 107-149.
- The Audiovisual Telephone: A Brief History, Handheld? Music Video Aesthetics for Portable Devices, ed. Henry Keazor (Heidelberg: ART-Dok, 2012), 34-47.
- 500-Type Colour Desk Set Telephone, Objects of Knowledge, of Art and of Friendship: A Small Technical Encyclopaedia for Siegfried Zielinski, ed. David Link and Nils Röller (Liepzig: Institut für Buchkunst, 2011), 51-53.
- Deafening: Noise and the Engineering of Communication in the Telephone System, Grey Room 43 (Spring 2011): 118-143. [history of the audiogram, history of audiometry]
- Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 33, 2 (April-June 2011): 24-45. Reprinted in The Sound Studies Reader, ed. Jonathan Sterne (Routledge, 2012).
- On Disability and Cybernetics: Helen Keller, Norbert Wiener, and the Hearing Glove, differences 22: The Sense of Sound (Summer-Fall 2011): 74-111.
- Do Signals Have Politics? Inscribing Abilities in Cochlear Implants, The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies, ed. Trevor Pinch and Karin Bijsterveld (Oxford University Press, 2011), 320-346.
- Deaf Jam: From Inscription to Reproduction to Information, Social Text 102: The Politics of Recorded Sound (Spring 2010): 35-58.
- Medien und Prothesen: Über den künstlichen Kehlkopf und den Vocoder, Klangmaschinen zwischen Experiment und Medientechnik, ed. Daniel Gethmann (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2010), 129-154.
- When Mobile Communication Technologies Were New, Endeavour 33 (December 2009): 140-146. [History of the ear trumpet, history of the conversation tube]
- Hearing Things: Telephones and Auditory Theory, Variantology 2: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences, and Technologies, ed. Siegfried Zielinski and David Link (Köln: Walther König, 2006), 229-256. Reprinted in Mobile Technologies: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, Vol. IV, eds. Gerard Goggin, Larissa Hjorth, and Richard Ling (London: Routledge, 2015).
- Theatrum Fungorum: John Cage’s Mycology and Photomechanical Reproduction, Variantology 1, ed. Siegfried Zielinski and Silvia Wagnermaier (Köln: Walther König, 2005), 15-40. Translated into German and reprinted in Variantologie, ed. Eckhard Fürlus and Siegfried Zielinski (Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2014).
Selected Reviews
- Cripistemologies: The Conference, The Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 8, 3 (October 2014): 349-354.
- Bio-X (review of Biomedicalization and Asian Biotech), Women’s Studies Quarterly 40: Viral (Spring/Summer 2012): 259-267.